Sure hope you aren't expecting something about prayer...
Rather, this is a totally nonsensical post about how I find myself (like right now) on my knees beside the desk, leaning against the chair that is here specifically for the purpose of holding my rump while I fiddle on the computer. I often wonder why I do this.
I think it's because I like to pretend that I'm not going to be on the computer for very long. Definitely not long enough to sit and get comfy. Just long enough to kneel and lean...and sometimes I just lean, standing up. I finally kneel or sit when I realize how ridiculous it is that I've been leaning over the computer bruising the bones in my hands and putting an ache in my back.
Now I'll get off the computer. I knew I wouldn't be on here very long...just long enough to write a post, take a picture, and feel pain in my knees.
Maybe next time I'll sit. Or maybe not because I apparently like fooling myself into thinking something that isn't true.
Ahh, so maybe this post isn't so nonsensical after all.
funny my oldest daughter kneels at the computer all the time!!
i would love to follow your blog my email address is
Rockin' Mama, Hi! Thanks for visiting. I'll try to sign you up to follow my blog. Thanks!
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