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Totally not related to the post below...but super cute. ;) |
"People who are content with the avoidance ethic generally ask the wrong question about behavior. They ask, What's wrong with it? What's wrong with this movie? Or this music? Or this game? Or these companions? Or this way of relaxing? Or this investment? Or this restaurant? Or shopping at this store? What's wrong with going to the cabin every weekend? Or having a cabin? This kind of question will rarely yield a lifestyle that commends Christ as all-satisfying and makes people glad in God. It simply results in a list of don'ts. It feeds the avoidance ethic.
The better questions to ask about possible behaviors is: How will this help me treasure Christ more? How will it help me know Christ or display Christ? The Bible says, 'Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). So the question is mainly positive, not negative. How can I portray God as glorious in this action? How can I enjoy making much of him in this behavior?"
Don't Waste Your Life
John Piper
I recently finished
this book, which is full of good stuff.
In this world of...
"Should Christians be watching 50 Shades of Grey's Anatomy or Desperate HouseFriends?",
I find the above quotes very helpful.
The question should not be "Should I watch it?"
The question should be, "How will this help me live for and love Christ more?"
Asking the correct question helps clarify many things.
Then, if I find out that this particular activity or entertainment or thing that I own does not help me serve and love God better, then I ask the next question...
"Am I willing to give it up?" I pray my answer is yes.
Trying to ask more of those types of questions in my own life in all types of circumstances...