

Reading through a book on parenting for the second time.  I am struck again by the awesome privilege that my husband and I have of raising these children for God's glory.

"You must raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  

You cannot do so without investing yourself in a life of sensitive communication in which you help them understand life and God's world.  There is nothing more important.  

You have only a brief season of life to invest yourself in this task. 

You have only one opportunity to do it.  

You cannot go back and do it over...you must, therefore, prioritize.

To do this job of parenting well, it must be a primary task.  

It is your primary calling.

Baby #6 - BOY! - due mid (or late, knowing me) July

...It will mean that you can't develop every interest that comes along.  

The costs are high."

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
(Emphasis mine)


An Icy Adventure

Walking on Lake Michigan

It was quite beautiful.

Glad we made it out there before everything started melting a short while later!


Who wants to stay inside and do bookwork when there are sticks to be played with?

Not these kids.
We've been taking full advantage of these warm (and warmish) days by being outside as much as possible.
It'll rain or be cloudy some day and then we'll hit the books again.  
Until then...
We'll be outside.
Playing with sticks.

A Little Maple Sugarin'

After taking last year off because we had an over abundance of syrup (almost enough to last us two years, but not quite), we were excited to tap our trees again.
We just smell the wonderful aroma of the sap boiling and know that Spring is almost here!

We've now made two quarts of syrup.
And oh...
it is so good.

Shootin' With Daddy

 I don't think he ever actually hit a can, but he sure enjoyed trying.  :)

You can really see Tommy's personality in the pictures above and below.  He's such a funny kid!



Girl Picture Post (Mostly)

Emilia, the older baker (click on link to see funny videos of her baking at age 7)

Always wants to "poo-poo on potty" and while she's only actually tinkled twice, she thinks she's pretty hot stuff up there.  :)

So funny!

21 weeks pregnant with #6

Oldest and youngest



Baby #6 is a ...

We enjoy finding out the gender of our babies while they are in the womb.

We've found out for 5 of our 6 kids.

Matthew, our 3rd, was the only exception.  We figured that we had a girl and a boy, so we didn't mind not knowing so much since we had all the stuff for either gender.

But, after not finding out, we decided that we like knowing ahead of time so we can stop calling the baby "it".  ;) 

We like two surprises.  One half way through and one at the end. 

Anyway, that's what we like to do, so if you're opposed to people finding out...don't continue on with this post because I'm going to spoil the surprise.  ;)

Emilia's "Faces of History" presentation for Classical Conversations (video)

Emilia (10 years old - 5th Grade) recently finished her Classical Conversations Faces of History presentation for Cycle 3 - American History.

She wrote a five paragraph essay and then prepared this speech.  

The goal was to give enough information that others could guess who she was, but no one knew.  
We picked someone that isn't well-known.  
She learned a ton and had fun in the process! 

You can watch her presentation below if you're interested.

Essentials Class 2014/15 "Faces of History" Cycle 3

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