
Emilia's "Faces of History" presentation for Classical Conversations (video)

Emilia (10 years old - 5th Grade) recently finished her Classical Conversations Faces of History presentation for Cycle 3 - American History.

She wrote a five paragraph essay and then prepared this speech.  

The goal was to give enough information that others could guess who she was, but no one knew.  
We picked someone that isn't well-known.  
She learned a ton and had fun in the process! 

You can watch her presentation below if you're interested.

Essentials Class 2014/15 "Faces of History" Cycle 3


Catie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh man! That was so good! :) I would never have guessed who she was. ;)

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks Catie! :)

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