Tommy is quite the funny kid. He's always making us laugh. There was one time (okay, a lot of times) I kept calling him one of his brothers' names instead of his own (you know how it goes if you have more than one kid...the right name doesn't always come out at the right time) so to fix the situation, he made himself a name tag. "There mom. Now you can read it and know who I am." Hahaha! He cracks us up almost daily!
He also likes to dress up. One of his most unique costumes was this combination:
Slicked back hair, light saber in his pants, spinning wheels, and a hanger stuffed in the back of his shirt...just in case.
He's my current window washer on house cleaning days (usually Fridays). Someday I even hope he will be a proficient window washer. Until then, he will keep practicing. ;) He is at the age where he wants to be my helper..."Can I help you wash windows?" (when I'm trying to actually wash them) or "Can I help you bake that?!" He is eager and so sweet. He loves "being big" with his older brothers, but he also loves snuggling up on the couch with me, telling me how much he loves me and wants to kiss my cheeks. Six is a darling age.
He's becoming such a good reader. He seems to catch onto his schoolwork quickly. He's not always eager to do his schoolwork, but it makes it more palatable for him that I work one-on-one with him for about an hour.
He started soccer this Fall and really liked it. He will play again in the Spring. It was adorable to watch his huge smile every time he got out on the field. He says he's going to play soccer "forever." We'll see... ;)
I'll end with something funny he said not too long ago.
He walked into church on a Sunday morning and was greeted by a friend of ours who said, "Good morning, Tommy! Are you going to be a good boy in Sunday School today?" Tommy didn't even hesitate as he shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"Only God knows."
That's our Tommy.
We love you, goofy kid!