
January Pictures

This is what we've been up to...in no particular order:

 Sledding at the Dunes

 Finally got back into doing school every day.  Good-bye sickly first trimester.  :)

 He's totally "clinging to his guns and religion."

 He can write his name (sometimes)!


Always making us laugh!!! 

My mom gave me some flat stones to write on.  Fun idea!

The kids were helping me assemble their new Task Card System from The Unlikely Homeschool.  They are really enjoying it!  It has helped them know what they need to do next without me having to tell them.  Thanks, Jamie!

Emilia noticed these Cardinals the other day just outside our dining room window.  So pretty!

Here are the kids working on their lapbooks for the Ben Franklin Download N Go unit study by Amanda Bennett.  Such a great study!  They learned a ton and even made a poster for a "Display Fair" that our homeschool group is having this week (pictured below.)

Cookie decorating time...

Linked up to the Hip Homeschool Hop


For All the People with Fingerprints

I am originally over at Shannon Popkin's blog on this day, the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  
You can read my article there...or below
By the way, I wrote the following article a couple weeks ago, so I am now in my second trimester.  :) 
I'm quickly approaching the second trimester of my pregnancy and have really enjoyed getting the babycenter.com updates in my inbox.  The kids and I read them together and watch the video about how our baby is developing.

The most recent development at 13 weeks is tiny fingerprints.  God has given this 3-inch-long baby sweet little fingers with unique fingerprints on each one.  These fingerprints will be used to identify this child in the future.

Isn't that amazing?!  A tiny human being is growing inside of my body and, at this moment, looks complete--with fingers and toes and eyelids and spine and heart...a miniature human.  My precious baby can squint, rub his eyes, and kick around in his safe, warm home.

Did you know that 88% of abortions take place during this first trimester?  Babies, with fingerprints and kicking legs, are ripped apart and thrown in the trash because their parents choose death over life.
Approximately 55 million babies have been murdered by abortion since 1973.  That's over nine times the number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust (6 million).  

As Americans march on, proudly choosing death for their children, they are accepted and applauded. Politicians continue to pass laws to protect the woman's right to rule her own body and that of her unborn and unwanted children.  Hail pro-choice.

But no one, when these babies are discarded like so many bloody rags, takes the time to bend down and look at the tiny fingerprints which will never identify these children.

Oh God, forgive us. Turn us toward you, the maker and creator of each fingerprint.  May we see our great sin--the sin of killing or the sin of saying, "I can't do anything about it." Please help us to see that this crime scene which stretches across America is covered in our fingerprints. Help us to repent of our apathy and fight for liberty and justice for all the people with fingerprints.


Sharing Your Husband's Dreams

I read this post today and thought it held such wisdom that I wanted to pass it on.

It's about respecting your husband and taking an interest in what he enjoys.  

Nate and I ready to go on a date!  I didn't have to cut up anyone's food.  ;)

 "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."  Proverbs 14:1



I'm not one to normally enter contests, but these sound pretty fun to me!  And I'm helping get the word out about one of my favorite "mommy" authors.  Win, win.  :)

What is it today?  A spa weekend in Colorado with Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae, authors of the new book, Desperate.

Go here to see the details!


Sally Clarkson's New Book

I think I've read most of Sally Clarkson's books and really have enjoyed them, especially, The Ministry of Motherhood.  Wow.  What an encouraging, challenging book for all mothers to read.

I'm looking forward to reading her new book, Desperate.  The launch of her book and all the fun giveaways are posted today on her blog!  Head on over to see what it's all about.

 Happy Monday!

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