
A Date with My Little Man

I took my sweet, snugly, oh so kissable, almost 4 year old on a date to McDonalds for lunch.  Picking him up out of the car, I asked if he wanted me to carry him in through the wet slush, wondering if he was "too big".  He wasn't.

We ordered and walked to his choice of a booth where I sat across from him.  Looking directly into his bright blue eyes that shone with excitement, I grinned as he gobbled his chicken nuggets and savored his M&M rainbow-stained ice cream.

Sometime between the gobbling and the savoring, I noticed them.

50 something with salt and pepper streaked hair.  Listening, smiling.
20 something with dark hair.  Animatedly talking.
Both had the same straight nose and long legs.
A mother and her son.

She smiled at us, her eyes moist.  Possibly remembering when that son was almost 4, at McDonalds with a rainbow stain on the front of his shirt.

We locked eyes, understanding.  In that moment I could hear a mother's heart.

Soak it in.  He's growing up fast.  Keep dating him, making him feel special.  Keep loving him.  Keep learning about him.  Keep listening...

I watched her sip her coffee and listen, as if she had all the time in the world, while her son shared and shared and shared.  I want to be like that.  Sipping, listening, learning, loving.


We got up to leave, and I asked if he wanted me to carry him.  No, he'd walk this time.  He put his hand in mine and we walked.  Together.



Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That special one-on-one time is so very precious.
Love you guys . . .

ThreeD said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh so sweet!

Miriam said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This makes me think back to when mine were small. I'm thankful to be able to have cherished each stage for its unique blessings. Thanks for the sweet stroll down memory lane...

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks for your kind comments. :)

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