I found this vintage outdoor set at a garage sale for $30!
(As I've said before, I'm a big fan of garage sales and thrift stores.)
It's solid metal and has waterproof cushions.
Great bones...practical...inexpensive...SOLD.
It just needed a little love.
I found this hunky guy to start power spraying it for me...then he handed the power sprayer off to me to finish the job. Thanks, hunky guy.
I spray painted the whole set bright yellow to match the cushions that I wasn't going to cover (they were in good shape and while not my first choice of color, they didn't look too bad and - BONUS - they match the swing set, grass, and prolific dandelions in our yard). Now I have a fresh look for our back deck for a total cost of about $60 (the outdoor set was $30, and 6 cans of yellow spray paint was about $30).
The picnic table came with our house (we bought our house in 2008). My dad put new boards on the top and the seats for my birthday present a couple years ago (love you Dad!).
We happened to have green and yellow mud boots that were sitting inside the house, so I put them on the deck since they matched. :)
It's been so nice to actually use our back deck (forgive the washed-out picture...I'm still trying to figure out my new camera!)
Happy Summer...I mean, Spring!
Fun! My in-laws are good at finding inexpensive and free items and sprucing them up. All of our kids outside toys are things they have found at the end of driveways. They are currently looking for a wooden swing for my backyard and a new outdoor set for us. I just don't have the knack for it.
I love it! What a fun spot to enjoy a summer day!
Thanks for linking up :) The yellow is amazing!
You are welcome! Thanks for having a link-up party! I like the yellow too. :)
I found you through the terpblog and LOVE the yellow! I also love that you reclaimed the old and made it new again.
The yellow is pretty fun. Thanks for stopping by (and for following!). :)
Sweet! I LOVE the yellow! Great deal...
I think that perfect price, congratulation you have good furniture.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I love the color. It looks perfect.
i see happy kid ...
I love it! I will make it for my home. Thanks for sharing!
I love the yellow color which you paint. It's my best favorite color, very beauty.
You did a great job repainting that set - I think it looked marvelous in your backyard. Love great steals like this, too. Especially if the item is still in very good condition - it is a bargain!
you did a lovely job.kids are emotional to see.lovely
That's Really Good to See work with your kids. But i suggested to buy the wood for outdoor bench
for your better service.
I like to see work with kids.Your work with repainting that set is really amazing! Nevertheless, the item was in very good condition
WOW! What did you make from the vintage outdoor set? Great idea! I'll take it into account cos I have a vintage set in my garage as well.
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