Yesterday, the older kids and I loaded up their school stuff and drove to our local library for a different way (I like different ways) to do school. My younger two stayed home with Gramma Robin.
We spent a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes there.
We worked on reading, math, handwriting, and science.
Emilia finished her 2nd grade Horizons math workbook!
She usually did two lessons each time she did math. At home, however, two lessons could take her FOOORRREEEVVVEERRR to do. Seriously. Forever. I could have vacuumed; dusted; washed all the dishes; washed, dried, folded, and put away 5 loads of laundry; cleaned out the inside of the refrigerator; and scrubbed the tile floor. With a toothbrush - for an hour. And she still would have been working on the first problem. (Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration...but only slightly.)
It's amazing what completely focusing on the task at hand can do for a child.
At the library, it was just her and her math book (I took Jonny to the children's section so he could read to me), complete silence (except for the incessant ticking of the clock on the wall), and boring apple pictures on the (super bright yellow - so not good for the skin tone in pictures) wall.
She finished her last two lessons in RECORD time. Not her record, mind you, because that would have been way too easy to beat. But she even beat the record of that kid who does two lessons of math really fast and gets all the right answers. Whoever that kid is. Anyway, he no longer matters. She holds the record now.
She's rockin' the cursive this year using a Handwriting Without Tears Cursive book. She actually enjoys cursive writing, so this takes her a total of two minutes to complete (again with the's more like five minutes).
Aren't they just so cute?! I love these times we spend together. They and their sweet brothers make being "Mommy" pretty fun. I'm fond of them.
We even made time for a short "recess" at the park located next to the library. This decision may have had something to do with the fact that Jonny was acting like he just drank an entire Monster Energy drink, along with a Mountain Dew. And a pound of sugar. You can see it on his face just a little. He was wired. Maybe it was the neon yellow room. We'll pick a more subdued shade next time.
I'd say it went very well, despite the blinding shade of yellow.
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Your children are gorgeous - what a lovely blog :)
Thank you Karyn. We think they're pretty cute as well. :)
This is something I have never tried - school at the library. I have a friend who use to take her daughter - she said she was amazed at how quickly her daughter completed her work there. OK, OK, I was skeptical - I mean, the library is fun looking, has lots of books, many people - so many distractions for me, let alone my kids...but now I read how great your experience was...maybe I shouldn't have been so skeptical, eh?! And, that playground...way cool!
Thanks for visiting, Dorie! Our library has "quiet study" rooms, so it worked out very well. They were far away from the kid/toy section. :)
Whoop! I love the photo of her with her Math book and "I'm Done" written on the last page! So cute! I'm returning to Horizons Math next year with my 2nd grader. We did Saxon this year - and I like Saxon! - but he wants something more "interesting" (i.e. in color and harder).
Great idea to complete school at the library! I think I'll try that out next year when we're having a rough day and need a change of scenery. Our library also has several quiet rooms and it's rarely busy during the daytime. (We live i a very small town.)
A wonderful day of learning for you guys!
Our Side of the Mountain, yes, the color factor is one of the reasons we use Horizons (kinda funny, but true!). The kids enjoy it. :)
Thanks for visiting!
sounds like my little girl!
Way to go, Emelia!! :) (and Mama, you rock too!)
Fun idea. When my youngest ones get a little older, I should try this. Here from the Hop.
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