
1 Year!

May 18, 2011 - May 18, 2012.
I've been blogging one year.  Cool. 

I've had a ton of fun creating this blog, crafting words, posting photos, "meeting" bloggers, connecting with others, learning new things...(I obviously still need to learn how to have certain posts - that were written days or weeks ago - actually post themselves on the correct day...hmmm...thought I had that one figured out already.  Apparently not, since this one did not post on the 18th, but does say May 18...confusing.)

Thanks for sharing this year with me.  :)
In honor of this most special anniversary ;), I thought I'd share some of my favorite posts from the year:

Those that may make you laugh ("for I dearly love to laugh"):  

Go ahead and laugh at me while I run - How Hard Could Running Really Be?
I'm not always the brightest tool in the shed - What Kind of Peanuts?
I have horrible aim - Diapers in the Gutter
I'm pretty sure I'm not a "real coffee drinker" - 4 Cream, 4 Sugar
3 short videos of Emilia's baking adventure (she's so cute) - Emilia the Baker

Those that pertain to homeschooling (because I really enjoy homeschooling my super sweet, fun kids):

Because every homeschool family is asked this question at least one (or one hundred) time(s) - The Socialization Question - Again
Our journey to homeschooling - Should We Homeschool?  And Book List
Left over jello and sluggishness - The Day My Children Really Wanted to Attend School
We're all about real-life learning - Maple Sugaring! and Playdate Turns Pernicious
Keeping it real (a.k.a. wearing me out) - Two Pages

Those that pertain to craftiness or decorating (because I like both of those things as well!):

Enjoying the separate space to do school - A New (Memory Filled) School Area
This easy menu board has been SO practical (I use it weekly!) - Menu Planning

This post that pertains to my daily life (because I love this life and this God who has given me life!):

Praying that I choose to dwell on the "normal wonderfulness" of each day - Some Days and Today

Enjoy your day!

Linking up to:
Hip Homeschool Hop Button


Darcy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks for all the new reading material I have now! :) Happy Anniversary :)

Marie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So glad to have found your blog through fb! I love reading about your adventures:)

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