We're currently reading
The Railway Children by E. Nesbit, which has been a delightful tale, despite the slow pace at times. We've read a few of her books so far. The main characters in her stories are moral, inquisitive, loyal, and hard working - traits worth emulating.
Lindsay read this and loved it! I need to get the boys going on it... thanks for the reminder. :) Also I love your header! So cute. :)
Yes, good book. :) Thanks for noticing the header. I finally had Nate help me figure out how to make a picture skinnier so it fit up there better. It's still not exactly what I wanted, but it's getting much closer!
I read this book to the boys during read-aloud time last school year. It is a good one! This year, we are working through the complete Little House series, and are currently on Farmer Boy.
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