Not having planned ahead (typical), we didn't have an official "last day" of school. However, I wanted Emilia to do something special to "mark" the end of 2nd grade.
I told her she was going to do a report on any person, place or thing that she chose.
She picked Japan.
She picked Japan.
I wanted her to do the majority of this on her own. I, of course, was there to drive her to the library to check out all sorts of Japanese books and give her direction. However, she read the books, took notes on anything she thought was important (which turned out to be a large amount of disjointed facts, but that's okay - in my mind - for a 2nd grader), decided what to write in her report (learning all about plagiarism in the process) and figured out how to organize it. She also decided what to wear and how to do her hair (as she had dressed like this before and thought it was most appropriate for this project ;) ).
I checked her spelling and had her re-write her report three different times. She wasn't too happy about that, but she learned important lessons about neatness. :)
Overall, I was happy with how much time and effort she put into her end of the year project, and I thought she did a great job presenting it to family members while we were visiting at my brother's house.
Summer Time!!!

What a great idea! Wish I had thought of that! There's always next year! :)
Or even this Summer! ;)
Speaking of headers ;), I love yours...I just was fixing mine...thanks for asking!
Love your daugher's costume!
This is awesome- I loved how much you enoucraged your daughter to do the work on her own and to figure out most of it on her own. So important to actual learning! Now go and enjoy your summer! I just found your blog and have loved looking around and getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!
new follower :)
Super Cute! Love the costume. BTW...I saw you were nominated for the Circle of Mom Top 25. I voted for ya'!
Oh that is SO cute! I totally love this!
Thank you for following Bonnie!
Jamie, Thanks! I actually put my own blog on that list just to get more exposure...(sheepish smile) :) I have voted for you numerous times!
Thanks Darcy!
What a great job!!
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