
First Day of Homeschool 2014/2015

On Tuesday we started our 6th year of Homeschooling!

Oops...he forgot to add "1st Grade" to his paper

Tommy...   ;)

These are the books I chose to start the morning.  After reading through a part of each of these, we moved on to individual subjects.

This artist study is pretty cool.  It's from Simply Charlotte Mason.

We ended our first day of homeschool the same way we have for a couple of years now...by eating ice cream and heading to the (empty) park!  

Our first day went really well.  The next days haven't been as great.  Lydia has some sort of sickness and it's keeping her and I awake at night.  She's also pretty fussy during the days and wants to be held a lot.

Such is the life of a homeschooling family!
Trying to roll with it,

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Catie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I don't think I knew you were CMers! Or maybe I did?? ;o)

I really want Hero Tales and Our 24 Ways! They're on my wishlist!

Your kids are so sweet. :) Sorry Lydia isn't feeling well! It's so hard when baby (and MAMA!) aren't getting enough sleep!

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey! Yes, we've used CM ideas in our homeschool since the beginning. One of my favorite books is The Charlotte Mason Companion. So good!

And yes, so hard when baby isn't feeling well. :(

Hope you have a great year!

MarknRobin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

LOVE the pics!

Sarah B said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Lydia's winky face is awesome!! haha

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