
My Baby is 1!

Lydia shared (and will share) her birthday celebration with my oldest brother's daughter, Sophia.

They were born a little over 2 weeks apart.

What precious babies!

Happy Birthday Lydia and Sophia!


MarknRobin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Adorable <3

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

She's ONE?! My goodness!

I'm so glad I somehow stumbled across your blog since I haven't seen you in the Facebook world in several months.

Miss you! Hope you're all doing well! :)

Jamie Erickson said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Heidi, It's sadly been awhile since I've stopped by your place. I always love your pics. Your kids are beautiful gifts. What a blessed momma you are! My daughter has been enjoying your daughter's blog and anxiously awaits new posts. Please tell her what an encouragement she is to other young girls. We didn't get to penpal letters this first week as I had hoped...truthfully, they slipped my mind. But, in two weeks...for sure!

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Jamie of The Unlikely Homeschool
Thanks for stopping by! :) No worries about the penpal letters. Matt will just be thrilled to get a surprise in the mail. So glad that your daughter enjoys Emilia's posts! She needs to start working on the next one. We just started school today, so she'll begin another post soon. :)

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