
Ruby - The Cicada

Jonny found this bug on our driveway.  I knew it was a cicada, so we came in and looked it up online.

 Turns out these (big) little bugs are very interesting!

We left the house for a bit and when we came back, the cicada had emerged and was clinging to her old self.  We knew this would happen because of the little video half way down on the left side of this page, but we didn't think it would happen so soon!

They named her Ruby because of the three Ruby colored spots on her head.  We just assumed Ruby was a girl.  :)

 The kids enjoyed learning about Ruby and holding her.

They eventually let her go on a tree so she could find some food.

This is our version of "Homeschooling in the Summer".
 Spontaneous learning with no prep for me.
Gotta love that.
p.s.  I'm 10 days overdue...just thought you'd want to know.  ;)


Heidi @ Home Schoolroom said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That IS the perfect picture of summer homeschooling: all the kids gathered around and engaged, and it didn't take orchestration and planning from mom! Fabulous.
And I hope you get to meet your new homeschooler soon.

Sanz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very cool bug! I was thinking maybe Ruby was the new babe! You amaze me! I thought 5 days late was going to kill me!

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope so too, Heidi!

No, The Mrs., Ruby's not the new baby...I'm 11 days overdue today. I'm calling my dr. on Monday morning! :)

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

" the cicada had emerged and was clinging to her old self" There is certainly a "Tiny Paragraphs" style lesson to be learned from the cicada... how often do we cling to our old selves? Sometimes I think it can be a good thing but all too often I think it is a negative thing... can't live the life God has for us if we won't let go of the old empty (dead) life...

And you look lovely 11 days over due by the way and you are handling it very well if I may say so!

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