
Happy Due Date to Me...

40 weeks today.

No signs of labor.


We "celebrated" today.

The morning excitement was a snapping turtle making its way across our yard.

 Then we went to the library to turn in the kids' reading programs.  They were looking forward to turning these in since they got them!  They each got a book and a bag with coupons and small goodies in it.

I'm glad we no longer are keeping track of their reading time.  ;)

Then we headed to our friends' house.  They're out of town for the week, but offered us the use of their pool.  Since it was such a hot day, we enjoyed our swim.

After swimming and jumping on the trampoline (the latter done by only the kids, not me - although, maybe I should have tried it!), we went to get ice cream at our small town's ice cream shop.  Yummy.

Then we came home and the kids colored on their boxes (that we picked up at Costco the last time we were there) while I read them a book.

About 3 chapters into the book, I fell asleep.  What can I say?  I'm 40 weeks pregnant.

While I was dozing, a dear friend came over to drop off some cookies.  Just because.  So sweet (the cookies and the friend)!  

After polishing off the cookies, the kids and I watched some old Zorro episodes.  I remember watching the reruns when I was younger.  It's been fun to share them with the kids.

I sat and drank tea, still trying to wake up from my nap.

But, you know, when you're a mom with a 3 year old, you can't just sit by yourself...

We ended the evening by playing in the aforementioned pool with the aforementioned dear friend and her family. 

All in all, it was a very nice day, and I'm thankful to the Lord for providing it.

No baby, but that was to be expected.

She'll be here within 2 weeks or so (Lord willing).

Until then...I'll try to be patient.


Blissful Blooms said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

eeeeeks! So exciting! Can't wait to "meet" her!

Sanz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I've been wondering about you! Weeks 39-41 are the hardest (or 42 I guess in your cases!) I bet swimming feels fabulous! Do you have a name picked out?

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yes, we have a name. :) And yes, these weeks are hard. I'm praying for patience a lot. :)

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