
Leaf Art

This book was recommended to me by a teacher friend of mine (Thanks Mel!).  The animals created with leaves in this book are amazing!  I thought it would be fairly simple to make something with leaves, but I was proven wrong.  Maybe I'm just not patient enough...or artsy enough.  However, I think my kids did a pretty good job of making their own animal creations.

I collected the leaves a couple days before we did this project because you have to press them in a book to hold their color and shape.

Then I read the book to the kids and laid the leaves out for them to pick and choose their favorites.

Altogether a fun, simple art activity.

Linked up to The Unlikely Homeschool Weekly Co-op.


Auntie Mel said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

LOVE LOVE LOVE your leaf art!!!!

Blissful Blooms said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

How fun! I was planning on making leaf animals with the girls today. Wish I had that great book! :)

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

These kids are artists!!! I love it!!!

Sarah B said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I think they turned out pretty good!!

I see a pile of leaves and the only thing I could make is a pile of leaves!

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