
Gateway to Rest

I'm excited to be partnering with a good friend of mine, Shannon Popkin, on her blog, Tiny Paragraphs.  This is my first post for her, and it stretched my ability to write something relatively "Tiny".  The original "Gateway to Rest" post was close to three times longer, but Shannon, with her stellar editing skills, helped me out.  I have to work on being more...precise.   ;)


“I’m hungry!”  whines my four-year-old.
“Can I have oatmeal?” My eight-year-old gets out her bowl.
“I have oatmeal too!” My precocious two-year-old starts making a mess in the cupboards by my legs.
“Can I watch another show? Please, please!” My six-year-old, tapping on my arm, always seems to want another show or more computer time.
The counter tops are still filled with the dinner dishes I left behind when we raced out for church last night. There is a pile (or three) of clean laundry spilling off the living room chair. There are homeschool lessons to complete, meals to make, toilets to clean, bruises to kiss, emails to write, arguments to dispel, people to invite… 
It’s only 8:00 a.m.  I’m already weary...
To read the rest, head on over to Shannon's blog.  And while you're there, take in a sampling of her posts.  She's the queen of "tiny".  :)

Linked up to the Hip Homeschool Hop.


Darcy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Heading over to read it now! Is that Mystery Of History?

Sennie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I have my Bible reading plan online, too, and my devotional is on my iPhone. It's a techie world:)
Here from the Hop.

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