

* I'll be participating in the 4th Annual Not Back to School Blog Hop through Heart of the Matter Online.

* My children will be attending (and I will be helping out with) our church's version of vacation Bible school.  We call it "Kids' Worship Arts Camp".  The kids will be learning and putting on an entire musical - set design, drama, crafts, photography, etc.  They did a great job last year.  I'm excited for what this year will bring!

* Thinking I should attend this Global Home Education Conference.  It's close - just a short trip...across the ocean to Germany.  ;)  Tried to tell my hubby I should go.  He just said, "uh huh," or something equally noncommittal.  But really, how amazing would that be?  Uniting with other homeschoolers from all over the globe... What a life changing opportunity!

* Speaking of "global" events...we've been watching some of the Olympics most evenings.  The human body is capable of unbelievable strength and endurance!  The gymnasts are incredible.

* Matthew was feeling patriotic this morning so I videoed him with his little flag saying the Pledge of Allegiance (I noticed that he had his left hand over his heart while I was videoing, but it was just too cute to correct him until after his recitation was over).  Funny thing is that when we'd say the Pledge each morning at the beginning of last year for school, he said it perfectly.  We obviously haven't said it recently (sounds like he said, "9 States of America" ;) )...but I have to say, I adore the mistakes!  I love his sweet little voice!  


Darcy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So stinkin' cute!!!!

MarknRobin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yay Matthew! So cute!!

Nancy Wells said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love this boy! And, I don't believe I have ever heard the Pledge recited so eloquently (or sincerely).

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