
Visiting Their "Wednesday School"

Today I was out and about fairly close to where my oldest two kids will be attending a one day a week homeschool program at a Christian school, so I surprised them (and myself, because I hadn't planned on it) by going to their school for a little visit.

I had no idea if it would even be open, but it was!  So we just walked right in.

We were able to see both of their classrooms, the library, the gym, the playground...even the bathrooms (everything was exciting!)

The look on the kids' faces as they walked around the building, "owning" each part that they will come in contact with in the Fall, was priceless. 

Jonny was exuding joy as he walked (ran and hopped is more like it) around his disheveled classroom, pointing out even the so-called "insignificant" things.  Nothing was insignificant.  Nothing was boring.  Everything was new, and it thrilled him to the core.  It almost brought me to tears.  Really, it did.  Almost.  ;)

Emilia was also really excited, which makes me happy.  I had taken them to this same school two Springs ago to see about enrolling them for last year, but Emilia clung to my leg the whole time and Jonny wasn't too keen on the idea at first either (he warmed up after being there awhile...Emilia didn't...and Matthew, who was 3 at the time, was ready to go to school that very day!  Every child is so different!).  We decided to keep them home another year, but always talked about them attending the Wednesday school the following year.

Well, "the following year" is only two short months away and we're all excited about adding this day to our homeschool schedule.   (Matthew would be even more excited if he was going too. ;) )

Playing on the playground (taken with my phone - too bad I didn't bring my camera!)

Emilia and Jonny will go to school every Wednesday from 8:20-2:55 starting in the middle of September and go through the end of April (I really like the fact that it doesn't go into May or June).  Emilia will be in the 3rd/4th grade classroom where she will have multiple teachers.  Jonny will be in the 1st/2nd grade classroom, and the majority of the time he will have one teacher.  Their day will consist of art, music, Spanish, hands-on science, PE, geography, writing and, of course, the all importants: Lunch and Recess.  ;)  I'll still be doing the 3R's (and more) at home with them on the other 4 days of the week.  

My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed school when we were kids, so it's always been something that we've wanted them to experience as well.  For now, this is a pretty good way for them to be able to "go to school" at a traditional private school, while still enabling us to continue on with our homeschool adventure (because homeschooling is an adventure that we don't want to quit - at least not right now ;) ).

In the future, we may take advantage of the "university model" education (click on this link for a good description of a university model school) that this school offers (which is pretty cool, if you ask me), but for now, one day a week is good for us.

We're enjoying our summer, and we're looking forward to the changes that are coming!



Kate @ Bliss and That said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Glad to hear more about this! It sounds great, and the curriculum is nice in that it's more the arts and hands-on stuff. I bet they'll love it!

Blissful Blooms said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

How fun! My girls take classes once a week too- and they LOVE it! Hope you're able to take a little break on those Wednesdays!

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