I opted for the "healthier" choice and laid on the living room couch warning my three non-napping, non-quiet-time children (yeah, yeah, yeah, you scheduled "my kids always have a quiet time during the day" moms...good for you...I don't want to hear it ;) ) that they were not to wake me up unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary.
Blood is a good reason to wake a sleep deprived mother. At that moment, I could think of no other reason that would warrant interrupting my sleep.
I had Emilia check the time and told her to wake me up in about 45 minutes.
No sooner had I closed my eyes than the boys began playing the game, Who Can Annoy His Brother More? Their wailing and whining increased with each mean-spirited action.
After sending one to my room and one to the other couch, I closed my eyes again, hoping (against all that is reasonable and rational in my world) that both cranky boys would fall asleep for, say...2 hours. Then I'd be able to sleep for my entire "quiet time".
Somewhere in the "I'm-in-denial-about-how-things-really-go-with-my-kids-during-the-random-quiet-times-in-our-house" recesses of my brain, I knew that those boys would not even shut their wide awake eyes. I'm pretty sure they secretly drink Coke throughout the days.
Shortly, I hear one from down the hall, "Can I get up?!" The one from the couch, spurred on by his new-best-friend-brother, is asking if he can get up as well.
All I wanted to do was close my eyes for longer than twenty-one seconds!
"You can get up IF you'll be kind to each other." I may have been gritting my teeth.
They promised to love each other as best brothers forever and never fight again...oh wait...that must have been a little dream I was having while I wasn't sleeping.
"We'll be nice," they both affirmed. And they were! Thank you my wonderful children. I was no longer gritting my teeth and I felt myself starting to drift off...ever...so...slowly...ahhhh....bliss...
The drifting of myself into slumberland came to an abrupt end when I tensed, sensing a child-like presence that was breathing close to my head. A hand reached out and touched my pillow. My hair. I shut my eyes tighter and lay very still. Maybe he'd think I was still sleeping. I was sure no blood was involved, and I was SOOO close!
The breathing continued. Louder. Closer. More forced.
I didn't even have to turn my head. My eyes stayed closed on purpose. "What is it Jonny?" I was slightly perturbed.
"I'm hungry," he half whispered (just in case I'm still sleeping?). He's pretty good at sounding like I never feed him.
"There are crackers on the counter." I was gritting again.
And then I had the best idea in the world. Why didn't I think of it sooner? I'm brilliant!
"After you have a snack, you can all watch a show!" The "rotting your brain" statement that I normally give my children didn't even cross my mind. At that moment, TV was a wonderful invention; a best friend.
Cheers of excitement (that could have been what woke up Tommy) filled the room and all four sat down to watch something wholesome, I'm sure. I finally drifted off, dreaming of nothing and loving every minute even though I had no idea at the time how much I was actually loving it.
When my eyes opened,Tommy was snuggled up beside me. He was hungry and needed a diaper change.
The show was over, and the boys were whining again.
I fought the urge to go back to sleep.
Instead, I took the higher road.
I made myself some coffee.

Been there!
I completely understand. So thankful when the mom nap actually works out. :)
Totally relating... ;0)
Much empathy coming your way! I was finally able to steal away yesterday for a few hours for a mommy's night out with a couple of other homeschool moms. Greatly needed! Hope your day goes better today.
I love it! It sounds soooo familiar! Visiting from HHH.
Why is coffee the perfect answer to so many things? It just is! Would it help if I told you that it will get better? No, I didn't really think so :-)
Glad I'm not alone in this! ;)
Oh Heidi! I love this story. This is why we watch tv so mommy can get a little quiet time on the couch while they watch their shows. Lila is a couch potato! She would watch it all day long if I let her.
Oh, big *sigh*... My mornings are like this, as I try to steal a few more quiet moments in bed. This morning I actually was woken up by the sound of glass breaking on the floor downstairs. One big Mason jar down before 7:00 A.M. *Sigh* again...
This is so our house when I am trying to steal a few moments of peace and quiet! Thanks for sharing!
Kate, Thanks for visiting!
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