
Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Washington DC

Some pictures from our recent vacation.

It was such a great trip in so many ways...

 Educationally:  Let's LIVE history!

Jamestown: Recreated town

We attended Bruton Parish Church on Sunday and they let the kids ring the bell to call everyone to worship.
Governor's gardens at the Governor's mansion in Williamsburg

Capitol Building in Williamsburg
George Washington answering Tommy's question, "When will you fight?"  Washington's answer, "Whenever we have to."

Korean War Memorial

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Nate explaining things to the kids at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - lots of questions about this one!
World War 2 Memorial

Spiritually:  Who says our country wasn't founded on Christian principals?  It's written everywhere you go!
Historical Jamestown
Abe Lincoln's second Presidential Speech

Same as above

At the Jefferson Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

Jefferson Memorial - I find this rather amusing since Jefferson was the one who wanted separation of church and state.
 And personally (what an awesome responsibility I have of spending each and every day raising these kids to be who God wants them to be!)

Thank you Lord for this trip and for this life!



MarknRobin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a fun vacation! Love the pictures:)

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