This is our baby girl at 20 weeks. I'm amazed at how much she already looks like her siblings, particularly Jonny. We'll have to see if that's true when she comes! I'm over 31 weeks along now...gettin' closer. :)
"For you created (her) inmost being; you knit (her) together in my...womb. I praise you because (she is) fearfully and wonderfully made!" Psalm 139:13-14
We've been putting some work into our yard this Spring not only because our house is now for sale, but also because...well, it needed it!
Welcome Spring. :)
We hired some friends from church to help. Thanks M&M. ;) |
And this boy...well, he didn't get paid. |
Look at those smiles! They actually WANTED to do the weeding. YAY! |
The kids have performed in their end of the year plays at Wednesday school...
And sang in their Spring Concert from Wednesday School.
Wednesday School ended and we finished up our homeschool lessons around the same time. Yay!
Picking them up on their last Wed. |
We've been playing outside - a lot!
Sometimes with just us...
Sometimes with friends...
Love how all the moms are taking pictures!
I fell asleep for a bit while wonderfully warm and sunny... |
Emilia took the three photos above this one. :) |
Spring soccer started
And we're all there cheering him on!
Learning hasn't stopped just because it's Summer...
New tennis shoes for Jonny. Funny how something like shoes can make a boy so happy.
Emilia made lunch for us. She was thrilled with the opportunity to do it by herself (and so was I!) Love having an older child. :)
One of the kids favorite things right now - messing around with my computer's camera.
Life is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Now, if only I could remember that ALL the time...
Love the update! Looks like you have had a lot of fun activities keeping you busy! I love having an older child to help,out too! Brendan will,often get Lila breakfast in the morning when he is getting his:).
Looks like so much fun around your neck of the woods! Happy Summer!!
We're enjoying this weather! Thanks for your comments! :)
My four were born at 31 weeks:) About 3 pounds each.
Looks like fun & busy days. Great photos!
Looks like you are having a lovely time! Your baby is going to be here before you now it! I've never done one of those fetal photos before, that's cool.
Oh my. You are amazing. I can't believe you can fit two bouncing boys on your lap at this stage in your pregnancy! I :love: picture posts!
Thankfully only one was on my lap and he was sitting still because, yeah, my lap has shrunken considerably!!
Some great catches in there Heidi! Love the one that Emilia caught of you napping...lovely...
What a wonderful blog you have! I have really enjoyed reading through it (when time allows). I am right there with you- pg with #5 due in July. I have 3 girls and one wee little boy. We are expecting a boy and that will even things out a bit. I will be praying for you as baby #5 makes her appearance. Thanks for the encouragement on your blog. The Lord is using it for good :)
Thanks so much for commenting and for the encouragement! Congrats on your little boy to come! :)
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